
‘Traitor’: Jordon King Trolled For Defending Israel From Iranian Drones; ‘Excuses’ Mocked

As tensions rise and fears of a potential World War 3 linger, all eyes turn to Jordan’s loyalty amid the turmoil. The Arab world scrutinizes this “sister country” for its surprising defense of Israel, raising eyebrows and sparking intense debate. While some hail Jordan as the “Iron Dome of Israel” for shooting down Iranian drones and opening its airspace, others question its allegiances and motives. Jordan’s decision to intercept Iranian projectiles, citing protection of its population, further fuels speculation and criticism. Amidst calls for de-escalation and a two-state solution, Jordan’s complex relationship with Israel and its handling of the Palestinian cause come under scrutiny. Despite its vocal criticism of Israeli aggression in Gaza, Jordan’s actions and alliances continue to provoke controversy and intrigue on the international stage. Click to Find out more.

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  1. this sell out king go to go , just like his sell out cousin were surgicaly removed in iraq and their hashemite rule came to an end , jordanians need to follow their steps , his grandfather was wiped out for being a sell out in jersusalem , jordan will never be able to defend palestinians with this family in power

  2. Why is anyone shocked? Jordan's family has always been prostitutes to Zionist super fascist apartheid regime terrorist atheist coward colonialist barbaric murdering regime! This midget king, and his father were are nothing but lap dogs! People forget that his father assassinated 2k Palestinians while they were running away from Zionist bombardments? People forget that this so called fake Muslim king was trained in British(devils on earth) military?

  3. Jordan was never a pro-Palestinian country, even in 1948 they were hoping to acquire part of Palestine as their own.

    This king is a fraud, he is literally Israel’s bitch and he is married to a Palestinian, oh the irony.

  4. what can you wait from a traitre son of a traitre. he will always stay small as a worm. Shame on you little pseudo king. You confirmed that you are the son of Hussein, who helped his masters,… How can you sleep ……

  5. None of the Arabs are against what the King of Jordan did. Only the Arabs are controlled by Iran because they have no decision. What the King of Jordan did is very supported by the Arabs, as the Arab airspace is not a place for a conflict between Israel and Iran! They could fight over Syria and Iraq, countries that do not have sovereignty, and they do not mind being bullied by Iran.
    God bless Jordon and their King 🇸🇦🇯🇴

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