
Ukraine is proving it can WIN war with Moscow drone attack – Putin is rattled, says Brit ex-colonel

Former British Army officer Colonel Hamish de Bretton-Gordon and Executive Director of the Henry Jackson Society Alan …


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  1. Remember Russia in Afghanistan?
    The curds were destroying their planes and losing their. They lost approximately 200k soldiers and THE MOTHERS OF THESE MEN were pressuring Putin even more.

  2. I’m sorry but it was just a matter of time before they hit home. Putin is running out of $, his military is a disgrace (600k soldiers dead), civil uprising, and his close oligarchs are telling him stop the war. JUST NOT GOOD.
    I saw a card reader online that is very legitimate predicted his death by someone within.

  3. No way in hell Ukraine's ever going to beat Russia. They're probably 20 times the size and population of Ukraine. And if it got down to the point of the Russians losing they will have a straight out all open attack of pure devastation. Remember they have nuclear weapons. They also have bio warfare. It doesn't necessarily have to be chemical warfare they can release deadly flu that would pretty much devastate the population. Putin is like a fox. He will figure out a way to get what he wants and he will succeed. The United States isn't willing to go all the way with Russia. They talk a big game but when it comes down to mutual sure destruction the United States is going to back down. We're too weak right now because of this administration and the corruption within our agencies. We would fall extremely quick. We're falling right now and we're not even under attack.

  4. Dream on Sun shine, you think that Ukraine will beat Russia. Take another puff, or go snort some Colombian marching powder with Zelensky. This crap belongs on Tele religion where the simps there will believe anything you tell them.

  5. It amazes me listening to an endless list of analysts who never mention the absolute root of this conflict. The propaganda media keeps the dirty secrets of the Europeon wicked . But if one does the research and connects the dots , the truth will stare them in the face. This war will have a very unexpected ending .Look at each Europeon nation and British Isles.
    Study all the upheaval. Not even Britain is spared. Theres an underlying situation that all nations have in common. It is a situation that drives all conflict , it spilled over into Canada , America , and the southern hemisphere of America. The head of the snake in Rome , then London , then DC .
    God is smashing the triumveate of power in the west , and also their influence on the other continents. This is God's revenge. He is using everything He created to end the evil. Nothing appearing now is as it seems.
    This is the end of deception as God is exposing everyone and everything. God's truth is marching on 24/7 and yet it escapes people. 😅
    A world full of nuclear giants and mental midgets.

  6. This is delusional. Napoleon couldn't do it, Hitler couldn't do it.. Zelinski is going to do it? The west think they're going to march into Russia? The only reason they would do that is to intentionally start WWIII. Which they are likely to do to have a state of emergency declared so there will be no November election.

  7. If the Russian government feels that they being pushed to far, I wonder if his nuclear option would change. Don’t be fooled Ukrainian cities and it’s people have suffered far worse than Putin’s Russia

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