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The US Autonomous Drone That Enemies Worry #shorts

Kratos aims to reduce the cost to approximately $2 million per unit for mass production further, aligning with the Department of Defense’s goal of achieving a mass mission with attritable systems. The drone’s ability to support various intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance missions


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  1. To achieve global dominance, USA depend on global air power access. To maintain global air power access, USA depend on sea air carriers. If sea air carriers are turned obsolete by hypersonics appliance, the USA global dominance is terminated. And the obsolescence of sea air carriers is absolutely and definitely proved by Hutis, in read sea western military operations.

  2. $4 million apiece?
    I give it six months. The Pentagon will change their requirements for the drone, bumping up the unit cost to at least $60 million, and they won't even work right.

  3. Imagine a Jet fighter like F-35 controlling and autonomously protecting, dog fighting a like a pack of wolves name Kratos drones most likely AWACS will dispatch heavy lifter like C-17 to release 5 Kratos, a jet figher will use AI to share intelligence to efficiently engage foe, it can work in ships also as a submarine hunter or counter narcotics and anti smuggling. Peace

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