drones software

The One Question in Murder Drones NO ONE Thought to Ask (ft. @Yagsterr)

So… what the HECK was this scene all about??? I STILL can’t rap my head around why this small 8 second clip was included.


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  1. As much as I absolutely despise this episode with all my heart, it was a pleasure joining ya on this very dark and quite frankly, beautifully tragic video, Soupy. Well done.

  2. Another awesome video! There are so many things I'd love to have explored in MD that we never really got…. perhaps holes I could fill? Who knows, maybe when I have time I can create a prequal taking place during the episode 5 timeline :P

  3. If she did SH wouldn’t it show scars in the flesh on tesscyns body? You can see her flesh, and from a person I know, who did SH and who’s accidentally skinned their arm to the flesh, you could still her scars, though I am not shaming her for this at ALL, as I did it a bit on my thighs aswell, but I do disapprove of the SH theory as its a far stretch. For all those fans out here like me that are absolutely mortified of their favorite character doing something like this, I would like for y’all to know, it’s highly unlikely(That’s the whole reason I made this comment, as I dont need sympathy and likely won’t get that sympathy, is because I do have ptsd of this topic aswell as another, because I have been exposed to it and harmed by it so much that it started to physically make me sick and EVERYTIME it’s brought up I get bad memory’s of it, thank you for the minute or 2 you spent reading this.)

  4. Theory 2 is the most likely. Theory 1 is a reach if I've ever seen one, and also would be pointless to the story. Her being part Drone would not add anything. Also, pretty sure she has 4 fingers and a thumb on that hand, unlike Drones in the series. Theory 3 is not impossible, but it's not conveyed very well if that's the intent. However, you forgot to bring up the fact the Tessa rubs her arm again when her mother is lamenting to Tessa that she "…still can't follow simple orders." This directly implies to us that Louisa is directly involved with whatever's going on with Tessa's arm. And as we see later, Louisa is more than willing to have Tessa chained to that same wrist.
    That wound is there to further show just how terrible and abusive Tessa's parents are, and how tragic her story is.

  5. I actually like Episode 5. If anything, it's one of my favorites as it's the closest we get to character development with J. And it's important as it shows the backstory of N, V, and J before becoming Disassembly Drones and how the AS started it's rampage. I think the only takeaway is that it's hard to separate between what actually happened and what was altered with Uzi.
    As for the scene, it's to hint to how abusive Tessa's parents are and that they've chained their daughter to her room on multiple occasions to the point where it's effected Tessa's physical health. The scene also shows how kind of a person Tessa is with the way she tries to assure J that she's fine which showed a positive light with both her and J.

  6. I honestly thought it was because she gets chained to her bedside, like she did later in the episode. She is chained by the left arm if I'm not mistaken, so I feel like Tessa's parents would just chain her to her bedside for elongated periods of time for stepping too far out of line. Also, how would the first theory make sense if we see Cynessa with wearing Tessa's skin and her arm (relatively) intact? So if this is still in the air, I'm pretty sure it's just her being chained to her bedside.

  7. After rewatching the episode I presumed her parents would regularly chain her. She gets chained in that episode with J and Cyn, and while J and Cyn have their cuffs on ankles, Tessa has it on her left wrist, so probably she was chained for some time before that event and hence, the pain.

  8. Ep 5 is a good representation of how trauma affects your memories ( I think me personally.) Your mind tries to block it out ( literally the Solver blocking it out for the characters) it confuses you of what actually happened. Let’s say a car crash. Afterwards, you’re trying not to remember what happened during the incident. And when you, let’s say, get questioned what happened. What you say is maybe “ oh maybe, I think I was on my phone “ or “ I don’t think I was paying attention to the road “ or many more. It confuses you of what really happened. I think ep 5 is good with that. Not the best episode for sure, but for what the main idea for that episode was for, it did good .

  9. Notice when she chained up she’s changed up by her left arm? I think that it is most likely that they were trying to show us. She gets chained up a lot since we see her arms in episode seven and eight and they appear to look normal.

  10. Well thanks, now I'm even sadder about Tessa :(
    Also, what you said at 6:57 hits different. Kids getting abused by their own parents often goes unverified, and the symbolism behind them being treated as unseen silhouettes is just tragic.

  11. I always thought that Tessa's wrist hurt because she tries to pry out of the chain her parents put on her wrist, which likely when done consistently would cause wrist pain, like as seen in the scene of Tessa's room.

  12. I do think Tessas wrist hurts due to being chained up. And in the episode J was chained up with her, so I can imagine that this isn't the first time Tessa might've been chained up with her other drones, which is why J looks concerned for her – she knows that Tessas wrist hurts because she might be chained up so much.
    I can imagine that Js force when clinking the glasses might be a bit too harsh (drones might be stronger than humans in some cases, especially considering that Tessa is a kid/teenager) and J was concerned she had hurt Tessas already "damaged" wrist from the chains.

    While the drone/prosthetic arm theory is not bad, it's a bit weird that her arms are blackened out like any other human features until the reveal of Cyn in Episode 7 & 8. We never see human features before because the drone memories are formatted weirdly (mentioned by Uzi in the beginning of the show). If Tessa hat prosthetic or even drone arms the drones might be able to see them unlike the rest of her features.

    Alot of little details in MD actually reference to some things that could be "blink it or you miss it", so I can imagine that it's due to being chained up. It might've been a bit more easy to understand if we had seen Tessa being chained up before that scene, which made it confusing to people.,

  13. Though the reason Tessa was rubbing her wrist was because she kept being chained up I had a theory of my own. My theory for Tessa was that since she was left handed she was mistreated as her mother was possibly highly christian. In the past, christians believed left handed people were considered of the devil being the opposite of the right hand of god. Louisa called Cyn the anti-christ as she too is only shown (until the fight scene in episode 8 or when her left hand is busy) as only using her left hand. And not a single other person seems to have noticed this and could be a nod to Design one of his old written works and the monsters in that were called the Left Hand for the exact reason. Even the human hand in episode 2 was a left hand.

  14. for me it's either SH or she just did that to calm down about humans coming to her house, and rubbing her arm is something she does when she is extremely stressed so maybe thats why J looked concerned? then the little sound of pain would be more of worrying and thinking too much about the humans coming, cuz tessa could probably have severe social anxiety

  15. Take another look at when tessa is chained up in episode 5?

    There's 2 ideas I have myself, which are from the fact we can't see any details on humans in the series

    The first idea could be the simplest one, tessa did hurt herself but not intentionally. She got Js, Vs and Ns bodied from somewhere, the huge dump of drone bodies that are perhaps just outside the Elliot property. Tessa goes true trash panda and ends up cutting herself looking for fixable drones. You'd be concerned too if saving you meant someone else was hurting themselves doing it

    The other sounds prophetic but may also be something Tessa's family regularly does. They may try to stop her trash panda activities by chaining her up. This is why I'm saying check that scene, it doesn't confirm its a regular thing which is why it could be prophetic

  16. Tessa was chained up later in the episode, so I think the reason she acts that way is because her parents have been chaining her up often enough to leave a mark. Kinda tragic how Tessa was abused by her parents her whole life, just to be killed off by Cyn and used as a skinsuit.

    Also, at 2:07, for a second I thought you were about to explain why Tessa's eyes are floating in front of her head.

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