Drone reset

The FTL Experience (Baer Plays FTL)

FTL: Taken from a live stream on …


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  1. On the subject of the first ships demise, there was a route to save it. With a second level of teleport, the mantis wont suffocate before you can pull them back. Send them into the scout, they take out 1 or 2 levels of a system, and pull em out. Theyll survive SO LONG AS the tele room isnt taken out and nothing else happens to hit them on the way. If teleport is level 3 the risk is mitigated a lot, some random damage can hit em and they can still pull through without suffocating.
    Lower HP races can't pull it off tho.
    Not a guaranteed solution because that scout could have also randomly smashed the tp but an option to know of for sure.

  2. So as someone not very familiar with the game, can anyone explain why Baer focuses on Flak so much, to the point of actively selling off every other weapon he has just to get it? This isn't the first episode where he's done that. Like, I understand the idea in theory, it does good damage when that whole volley hits…. but it seems like it never hits? I'm not sure how the game calculates accuracy, but the Flak's seems. Bad. Really bad. Half the shots are missing on what seems like every volley, against every enemy, and it takes awhile to charge up. It's just kneecapping his combat speed and he's just getting hammered by enemies over and over in the meantime. The last run in this episode was going well until he sold off his weapons for Flak and then it started nosediving to another loss. Is there something I'm missing here?

  3. Every FTL video I watch 5-10 minute then stop, play a whole game of FTL myself, do something else for a while cuz im tapped on FTL, then come back to watch the video and after 5-10 minutes im back on FTL…

  4. DO NOT play Stellaris. It will kill viewership but even if you play it in your free time you will get addicted and have to keep buying DLC until the heat death of the universe.

  5. Anyone know what happens if you teleport your whole crew to the enemy ship, then during the fight your teleporter gets destroyed by enemy weapons but you kill the enemy crew?

    Do you win the fight?

    Do you just lose or are forced to restart?

    Part of me really wishes that your crew decides this is their life now and just starts cruising around in the enemy ship 😆

  6. Ay Baer, this episode was just great. Such an interesting display of some of the huge variety of play styles that can be utilized. Id really love to see a super crew invader ship. Four teleports with two boarder drones. Crew kills left and right. Really a fan of the over shield you can get too, however, I think it might be a little underpowered honestly.

    Loved the Episode Baer!

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