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The Forgotten From Software Games You Shouldn’t Play: Armored Core V

From software has an often-forgotten series of games especially with the soon to be released Elden Ring DLC for the PS5, pc, and …


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  1. Personally, I loved ACV and VD. While you are not a NEXT, I have no problem with it. They are different from the previous gens and that how Armored Core became for the most part. Hence why the first 3 gens are now closely collectively called OldGen, Next is 4th Gen, then 5th Gen, and finally 6th gen.

    And yew, I do admit it is hard getting used to the mechanics. Ngl, still takes a while to change between scan and combat modes and the damn computer telling me every single time.

    As for the story, that I do agree that it really needed an email. Heck from what I heard, we had to use 5th gen art books as source materials. Though funny enough in the AC discord, some in 5th gen are split as they prefer ACV story over VD. Mostly due to taste, I take it.

    Honestly, due to how ACs in 5th gen are basicslly supped up Normals from 4th gen, it makes sense why they are weaker in general. And why in the multiplayer is more focus in teamwork.

  2. 5 deterred me from Vday and I didn't play it till way later and never got to finish it so I loved this round up. Awesome video. AC for answer was my favorite. 4 was epic and 6 has been amazing. I have played these since gen 3 and love these games thru and thru

  3. That last AC fight is the hardest boss in the game and I love it AC5 verdict day is one of the best AC games in the series but I don't why not all of the people know about the game at that time
    Oh and I hate AC6 but why so many people love it , went most things that make in the old gen AC game have gone or change for the bad
    I'm glad that CAPCOM who made monster hunter game is better in bringing the game back to the modern day but still keeping the thing that makes a true monster hunter but From Software on the other hand is Said NO let's change it and They change it into what kind a shit is this😑😑😑

  4. Unfortunately as a kid my introduction to the AC series was Silent Line that ive been told was the hardest entry in the series by far so after I played that for a couple of hours I dropped it but luckily my friends convinced me to get AC6 at launch and it’s easily one of my favorite games ever

  5. How can you sit here and talk about how 5th gens gameplay somehow took away from the series whilst at the same time fanboying AC6. You know, the game that stripped away 70% of armored cores identity, mechanics and skill ceiling.

    The reality is that anyone can take 5 minutes to watch a JP ACVD tournament match and with a basic grasp of how the games controls work, understand that the game is actually just a reimagining of the series like the ones before it, with mechanics that have been side graded as opposed to stripped and overall ended up far more complicated than 4 and FA are.

    The game has insane layers of meta builds that counter eachother, defense thresholding, and archetype theory that blow the others out of the water before you even click save in the garage. Let alone the massively higher skill floor for effective mobility.

    I mean no offense, but this is a huge swing and a miss tbh. i hope you at some point come play with us on the emulators and actually learn how the games work before providing ill informed opinion pieces that sway people that are likely already on the fence about trying arguably the best games in the entire franchise.

    Guess i can respect you trying to hustle off the back of the server shutdown news at least.

  6. I never played AC V, I started with AC4 and ACFA and skipped V bc the slower combat looked dumb too me. Are sure you the timelines are the same for both though? Don’t think they ever make a single reference to the previous games in ACV, well at least from the videos I’ve seen. And you’d think there would be gigantic Cradles dotting the landscape after crashing, since in ACFA most of Humanity (implied hundreds of millions based on number of cradles) lived in Ginormous airships. Maybe the Cradles crashed in the Contaminated Zones?

  7. I honestly like the David v Goliath style Final Boss of Verdict Day

    Here you are, a Merc with basically souped up Normals pretending to be an AC, taking down what basically is the amalgamation of everything the NEXT era has to offer… Albeit rudimentarily

    Its a badass fight.
    It shows that… There is still hope for a future.

    Even if it took a junk with an Ace to acheive it.

    Glad you enjoy VD. Its clearly an underdog.

    P.S: Off topic, but apparently the newest Raid Boss in Blue Archive is basically an Armored Core xD
    Someone at NAT Games clearly is a Raven

  8. I played both of these games when they came out. I still have a Xbox 360 and Verdict day. I remember that last fight with J at the end. I was watching him fly in getting ready for the big last battle. I see him land and then the explosion. The first thing that came to mind was "That's a next!". I then knew I was in for a hard battle. a normal vs a next. I remembered how that went in AC4 and For Answer. It was a hard battle, even more so to get S rank.

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