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The Drone Workforce – Replaced by Robots

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  1. I legitimately believe they are trying to hide from us… To avoid any of the fallout after the collapse… They know when the ignorant actually SEE what the upperclass has been working towards all this time, and when all their lies as well as their grandiose deception is brought to light to, EVERYONE will want their h****…

  2. Homelessness has almost 0 to do with people not having jobs. The vast, VAST majority of homeless people have some sort of mental illness or addiction problem.

  3. This doom and gloom fear mongering essay is cute and all but why don't you bring any solutions to the problem if it is that important!
    Why don't you talk about reforming the economy with a BUI initiative? Changing policies to protect workers by implementing human workers quota in every business based on profits? How about instead of whining about changes like ultra catho-conservatives we try and actually ameliorate our conditions and lives by molding the future for all of us with the knowledge that we have instead of trying to fight it!!!

  4. The funniest thing about robots is that they have to have teams of PEOPLE running around behind them as they frequently make mistakes or break down. People who are paid more than the initial job being replaced.

  5. It’s amazing coming back and listening to you after like…. Forever. Maybe 2011 or 2012.
    I wonder why you ended up making videos about doom and gloom stuff.
    The video is a bit long, but I’ll try to watch the whole thing to see if you give another perspective the chance to surface. Taco Bell seems neat, and what is we don’t like? The loss of those Taco Bell jobs? I know it’s dystopian as fuck and don’t necessarily disagree with you, but there are some good things about it. If certain things are removed from humans needing to them, we may be able to have more people come out of situations surrounding poverty because the basics become sooooo cheap and easy to obtain.

    The problem from there is quality assurance. Health is paramount after shelter, food, water. Are those three of good quality? What does “good quality” look like, because that can be its own ball of bullshit.

  6. It’s amazing coming back and listening to you after like…. Forever. Maybe 2011 or 2012.
    I wonder why you ended up making videos about doom and gloom stuff.
    The video is a bit long, but I’ll try to watch the whole thing to see if you give another perspective the chance to surface. Taco Bell seems neat, and what is we don’t like? The loss of those Taco Bell jobs? I know it’s dystopian as fuck and don’t necessarily disagree with you, but there are some good things about it. If certain things are removed from humans needing to them, we may be able to have more people come out of situations surrounding poverty because the basics become sooooo cheap and easy to obtain.

    The problem from there is quality assurance. Health is paramount after shelter, food, water. Are those three of good quality? What does “good quality” look like, because that can be its own ball of bullshit.

  7. Dude I’m gonna say it because I care and I don’t see anyone else saying it, this is coming from the best place and I don’t want Gregory to be overly insecure but if he needs to hear this I’m glad I’ve said it:

    Why has Gregory aged so rapidly in the past 2 years? Is Gregory on drugs? Gregory are you smoking a lot of anything? Dude stop smoking it’s not working. If it’s weed, switch to edibles, you need to. ❤

  8. In Canada most of the menial low wage jobs have already been taken over by 🇮🇳indian "students" cheating the system to get citizenship. Who's gonna tell them they're getting replaced by robots?? 😂

  9. You're looking way thinner than the last time I watched your stuff. Hopefully it's from purposeful effort and not something unfortunate. Assuming the best, good job!

  10. I know you hate to hear this, but our sides are dangerously starting to blur together. You will hear these same points on our side. Something to think about also is the number of people that have died and are dying as to the decline in workforce.

  11. Current living on Hollywood Blvd, see these delivery bots everywhere. Usually, they're congregated together on the sidewalk…probably complaining about their bosses. Even stranger, I went out to eat and was served by a robot…took our order, brought our drinks, our food, and our check. I didn't tip.

  12. Amazingly good point Greg I went to college for cybersecurity and for years I have been trying to get an IT job I have given up now but I have applied for so many positions like that and never gotten one answer but I go and apply to some HVAC job and they let me start without any certifications. Just goes to show you how fake our economy actually is

    Also my favorite thing a boss has ever said to me. Do you really want to work here? Like no dude I'm here cuz I need to f**** eat

  13. Free market aside, this is a big cause for concern, as a removal of menial labour opportunities would significantly remove any work opportunities that can be done by the low IQ, dyslexic, and learning impaired but otherwise functional individuals.

  14. There is only one time travel myth I somewhat belive. A guy from the 1980s claimed to travel 200 years into the future as a US government experiment. He claimed that nobody had jobs and all had a set monthly pay. Everyone had only what they needed. The world was under the one-world rule of an advanced AI. The only way to get extra money was to invent something that the AI couldn't. However, the AI wasso advanced that no idea a human could come up with was useful. Everyone was okay with it, but nobody had luxuries like alcohol or candy. The monthly payment only covered necessity.

    The reason I believe it is because we are seeing it happen with AI and self checkout lanes. There are many things happening that track with what the man said. It was one hell of a prediction made by a smart man.

    The reason I don't believe he was a time traveler is because of Einsteins time travel theory. You can only go forward and never back. Not only is it physically impossible, but you can't change the past without creating a grandfather paradox. Matter can't be reversed. It can only go forward in different direction.

    What makes the prediction believable is because any of us could come to that conclusion by seeing what humans want to invent. We've been trying to invent AI since before the 80s. It's been a dream of man ever since the calculator was invented. It's been in horror and sci-fi movies ever since the 50s. The man wasn't a time traveler. He was just smart enough to know that nobody would take his prediction seriously unless he told a fantastical heroes journey. Unless he claimed to have seen it.

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