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The Complete Story of Murder Drones Explained!

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  1. I have a theory. A robot theory! So we see cyns growing up no one liked her except N. The same is with Uzi we see her classmates not know who she is even in death. I feel that when cyn and uzi merged at the end cyn was flooded with uzis life and memories learning instead of sheepish noding and then going full demon she learned angst and was like yeah she is cool she wants to see the world and in a way gets to be with N forever too. She honestly may have admitted defeat at the end and was like im gonna start over

  2. Theory: because the robots learn via watching, the reason robots that come back after being disassembled have the solver is because when they die they experience the incomprehensible experience of death, so then they come back with the ability to mimic this. Of course there is no way to do that so it’s just chaos power.

  3. The problem with Murder Drones is that it relies TOO MUCH on show, don't tell.

    Yes, no one likes large blocs of exposition because it can feel out of place for characters who should understand the rules of their universe already and don't actually need the explanation.

    But Murder Drones shows us what happens when you practically remove it altogether. The story starts to get obscured and hidden behind spectacle and becomes a disjointed chaotic mess. With the way that each episode starts to become self contained, one can even start to wonder if there even was a story in the first place.

    By Episode 7, even I gave up trying to understand where this was going since it felt like Glitch had just given up on the rules of their own universe and were just making stuff up to create a weak justification for the action sequences and new assets the animation teams were creating on a whim because 'rule of cool'. You even point out how each episode is a self-contained homage to a different horror story with wildly different monsters that operated on different rules. But Murder Drones seems to be trying to create a hybrid chimera of them all. Didn't quite work out.

    It's still a fun series and would still recommend if just for the spectacle but in terms of expecting any kind of deep story and mystery they touted it as, it falls flat and shallow.

    This is honestly starting to become a serious problem across entertainment as a whole in the Postmodern era or 'the great deconstruction of art'. The actual art of storytelling is starting to become lost and people are having to rely on third party channels like this one to actually understand their favorite media.

    Separation of Art and Narrative isn't going to end well.

  4. Should the show comeback I could see them exploring Uzi dealing with being a part of the Solver, only problem with that idea is I don't think that's enough since the first season had mystery and intrigue and all that, not enough story meat is what I'm trying to say.

  5. I love how this show tells his story and everything else about it, people complain about being confusing, but the "figure it out yourself/piece it together" for me is super fun and actually a strong point

    God forgive we have to use hour brains a little!!!!!!!

  6. I think the reason for murder drones being as short as it is is because of tadc I remember hearing something about murder drones going to be 9 episodes long but it only lasted to 8 so tadc success may have been murder drones downfall

  7. I'm just happy that Nuzi is canon and that V survived and literally tamed the Sentinal that was trying to kill her. Also, the whole Uzi and Cyn being one entity, I think it's more like Uzi is the main one in control and has a small fragment of Cyn's AI in her. I say a small fragment because the majority was destroyed/killed. I think it's really cool that Uzi now has contrpl of not only her Absolute Solver, but also Cyn's. Also, I feel like Doll is still somewhat alive but dormant inside Uzi's AI/consciousness, similar to how Cyn is. I mean, think about it: Cyn ate Doll's core, and then Uzi ate Cyn's core/heart. Finally, there's a slim chance that Yeva is alive as her core somewhere, similar to how Nori was alive as her core. My theory about the Absolute Solver is that the Absolute Solver AI program was originally something humans created in some form of experiment. However, the experiment failed and the Absolute Solver program went rogue, and digitally evolved into what we know it as in the show.

  8. 3:10 UM, ACtually

    Liam said in a AMA when the pilot came out that the untrained Neural Network thing was basically the drones doing. They altered the machines that make them to intead do the little UNN so they could install half of both parent's programs into the thing so they could teacht them just like to a human baby. AND for when the time comes they are given an actual body. Normal Worker Drones are built fully capable of labor

    Btw, was really hoping for that final headshot, but I guess there was no point since there's still stuff to discuss and fan-projects are looking good

  9. Wait a second! the head N is holding in 2:35 with the good visor, oil smear in the mouth and suspicious lenses flare. Is that the head that appears a couple of times in the finale's credits? 27:20
    Did they kept it as a souvenir of the first time they met?

  10. Something I think that didn't make sense is how V secretely cares about N. I mean it's not that it doesn't make sense, but her first line towards him in Episode 1 is "Ew, who are you ?", which leads us to think that she doesn't really acknowledge his existence.

    But later on in the show, now she does know who he is and she stays secretive to protect him because she cares about him ? It's a pretty drastic change considering that Episode 1 made it seem like she couldn't be bothered to even remember that he exists.

  11. Even your explanation was a little confusing. Am I right to assume that Cyn was basically just a plot device and only served to give the Absolute Solver access to her body so that it could use her identity, blend in at the manor and do all that other freaky stuff?

    Because I see a LOT of people interpreting Cyn as having full control with the Absolute Solver just being a tool for her.

  12. WHAT YOUR LAST MD VIDEO AHhHh GAE GAR YOU DISOBAY ME 💀💀💀😤🤬😫😫😫😫😞☹️🙁😕😟😔😣😖😫😩🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬😤😤😤😤😤😤😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀😡😡😡🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😫😩😩🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺☹️🙁😟😟😣😕😩😖😫🥺🥺🥺😩😫😖😖💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀😡💀🤬😡🤬😡💀😤😤🤬😡🤬💀🤬💀🤬💀🤬😩😩😩😤🤬🤬😩😤😤😖😫😩😤🤬🥺😩😩😤😫😭☹️🙁😩🙂😡😖😫🤬😤😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😩😩🤬🤬😩🥺😤😤😤😡😡🤬🤬😩😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😖😖😡🤬😤💀💀💀💀💀💀😭😭😭😤😤🥺🥺😩😩💀💀💀😭😭😫☹️😫🙁😖😩😫😖😖😫😫😭☹️☹️😭😭😭😭😭😭💀💀😤💀😤😤🥺💀💀😩💀😩💀😫😫😖😡🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬😡🤬🤬😡🤬😡🤬😡🤬😡😡🤬🤬🤬😡🤬😡😡💀💀💀💀💀💀🤬🤬🤬😡😤🤬💀😡💀😡💀😡💀😤🤬😡🤬🤬💀💀

  13. I really like the slow realization this show makes you go through from thinking that N could regenerate in the first episode thanks to human super science, to realizing that there might be some kind of magic involved, to realizing that what actually happened was humans using super science to try and control something far beyond themselves, and they failed.

  14. I’m pretty sure the absolute solver is it’s own entity. Cyn and Uzi didnt "combine", uzi just has the absolute solver. With Cyn, the absolute solver kind of adapts to the personality of that specific drone. So with Cyns intentions and plans, she also had the help of the A.S to aid her.

  15. I kinda got my own theory for why N and V stopped eating workers in the end. I don't think that the worker's oil is essential for their survival as a base drone. I think it's more of a programming thing done by Cyn during the creation of the murder drones. Because Cyn is their host or admin for the first 5 episodes, I think it's possible that she put her hunger in as an essential part of their programming to make sure every worker (and or living organism) is killed so that she can eat the planet in peace. In episode 5, while N and V are rebooting, you can see that their admin changed from Cyn to Darkwolf17, which is Uzi. For me, this is the point where their hunger for drone oil ended. I don't know if Uzi is cured of needing drone oil to access the absolute solver, though. She did reject Cyn as the host of the Solver in episode 8 but kinda fused Cyn into her consciousness, so I dunno about her. But yeah, that's my theory.

  16. So wait, can someone just explain this to me like I'm dumb because this part is very confusing. Is Cyn still technically "alive" in Uzi? Everywhere else I read it just refers to the Solver using Uzi as a new host. The Solver IS, or, WAS, Cyn? That is the part that is confusing me right now.

  17. I feel like there are still some questions left unanswered, are there still any humans left? what's stopping them from coming to copper 9 and finishing what the dissembling drones started? will J realize that the company she works with is not going to be on her side?

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