Best - Top Drones

Sky Elements Delivers A BREATHTAKING Drone Show | Semifinals | AGT 2024

Drone act Sky Elements delivers a stunning drone show to “Butterfly” by Lily Meola. Watch the AGT Semifinals Results Thursday …


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  1. Sounds wrong too listen too. Could or should be much better and very few people are that stupid for such music. Its a minority affect on people that are that stupid for such music. I am not into such music. I just know better music. Gaming music is very nice, from the pleasant types. Cultured music is very nice too, but pop culture is the worst.

  2. The day I held my beautiful princess (9 years old) in the hospital as she took her last breath..there were white butterflies at her window..too many to they were there just waiting for her..I felt her leave me .I cannot describe it with words..I was broken..who I was would be no longer .I was losing my daughter and my best friend .my life..and as I held her .I felt her body go weightless..I felt such a strong presence around us ..there was no noise..there was nothing.. everything stopped..honest to God .I felt someone there surrounding us in that room .I just knew .I had begged them to turn the noise of the machines off .I couldn't take it..and I just clung to her and begged her to let me fall asleep real quick and I promised I would go with her .one single tear rolled down her beautiful baby cheeks..and then I felt it all .and I swear my heart stopped beating..and I seen all of these beautiful white butterflies fluttering at the window..and I felt her go..and then they fluttered for a few more seconds and lifted off together..I will NEVER FORGET IT AS LONG AS I LIVE .butterflies had followed her around since the day she was born .and to this day I see them my window.. everywhere I go I have one close to me at some point in my day..white butterflies..I don't ever talk about losing my angel like this .I hold it all in..I try to be strong.. because if I let it go it will end me..but I felt I NEEDED to share this. my heart and love to anyone who is hurting and in pain from loss or anything in your life❤

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