
Russia-Ukraine War: Undated Visuals Show ‘Dragon Drone’ Being Used On Russian Positions

Apparently, Ukrainian drones dropped thermite incendiary bombs, burning trees and reportedly some Russian military vehicles.


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  1. Същото трябва да се приложи в гъстонаселените райони на киев и лвов!
    След това и ядрено оръжие, разбира се! Дано човекът от клипа оцелее и попадне в плен!😂

  2. I thought flame throwers should be against the Geneva war convention like mustard gas. This is just pure evil to want burn a person. Those that think it’s great go pray for peace for your soul.

  3. This looks scary if you've never worked in a foundry, machine shop, or with a torch. Soldiers will respect it, but high explosives still present the greatest casualty threat.

  4. The Russians have showed no concern over their use of white phosphorous on the azov steelworks and else where , in fact Putin shows little emotion of sincerity that he is sorry about the death and misery this war is causing not only to Ukrainians 450 000 dead Russians. . He is often televised smiling on tv even laughing about it , the thing is the whim of a mad man and it’s about time the west woke up and considered First strikes with nuclear weapons. In light of the mad man’s threats to nuke the west

  5. The whole world is witnessing Russia's barbaric culture. It is seem all over the media. The only ones not seeing it are Russians. They choose to play dumb when it comes to who the aggressor truely is. They are well aware of it but choose to keep pretending it's someone else.

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