
Russia Hit by One of the Largest Drone Attacks Since War Began | WSJ News

A wave of drone attacks targeted multiple Russian regions, setting residential buildings ablaze and forcing the closure of three of Moscow’s airports. Photo: Sergei Bulkin/Zuma Press

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  1. Ukrainian drones monitored by Ukraine themself? Do Ukraine have a plan for where to send these drones to for more success against Moscow drones would be more effective against Moscow infrastructure to

  2. I’m so amazed how RazzzzPutin makes it appear that they are the victims in the war which they started. Sadly, some Western leaders either believe him or fear of escalation which actually started in 2014, are giving minimal military assistance to Ukraine…..

  3. “…If the learned and worldly-wise men of this age were to allow mankind to inhale the fragrance of fellowship and love, every understanding heart would apprehend the meaning of true liberty, and discover the secret of undisturbed peace and absolute composure.”

    [Baha'u'llah (The promised one) – Tablets of Baha'u'llah, p. 162]

    “Arms and armaments will, then, be no more needed beyond that which is necessary to insure the internal security of their respective countries. If they attain unto this (the Lesser Peace) all-surpassing blessing, the people of each nation will pursue, with tranquility and contentment, their own occupations, and the groanings and lamentations of most men would be silenced. It would be preferable and more fitting that the highly honored kings themselves should attend such an assembly, and proclaim their edicts. Any king who will arise and carry out this task, he verily will, in the sight of God, become the cynosure of all kings. Happy is he, and great is his blessedness!”
    [Baha'u'llah (The promised one), Epistle to the Son of the Wolf, p. 30]

    "… the Pen of the Centre of the Covenant(Abdu’l-Bahá)has repeatedly prophesied the intolerable calamities which must best be set this wayward humanity, ere it heeds the life-giving Teachings of Bahá’u’lláh (The promised one of all ages)."
    "Chaos and confusion are daily increasing in the world. They will attain such intensity as to render the frame of mankind unable to bear them. Then will men be awakened and become aware that religion (The Bahá’í; Faith) is impregnable stronghold and the manifest light of the world, and its laws, exhortations and teachings the source of life on earth."
    (Shoghi Effendi-Compilations, Lights of Guidance, p. 126)

    In 1948, Shoghi Effendi (The Guardian of the Baha'i Faith) stigmatizes modern society as being: "politically convulsed, economically disrupted, socially subverted, morally decadent and spiritually moribund…"

    Bahá'u'lláh (The promised one of all ages) in one of His Tablets refers to the symbol and allusion" of the "mystery of the Great Reversal in the Sign of the sovereign". He states: "Through this reversal He hath caused the exalted to be abased and the abased to be exalted", and He recalls that "in the days of Jesus, it was those who were distinguished for their learning, the men of letters and religion, who denied Him, whilst humble fishermen made haste to gain admittance into the Kingdom"
    [Baha'u'llah (The glory of God), The Kitab-i-Aqdas, p. 240]

    “The unity of the human race, as envisaged by Bahá’u’lláh, implies the establishment of a world commonwealth in which all nations, races, creeds and classes are closely and permanently united, and in which the autonomy of its state members and personal freedom and initiative of the individuals that compose them are definitely and completely safeguarded. it, consist of a world legislature, whose members will, as the trustees of the whole of mankind, ultimately control the entire resources of all the component nations, and will enact such laws as shall be required to regulate the life,… A world executive, backed by an international Force, will carry out the decisions arrived at…. A world tribunal will final verdict in all and any disputes that may arise between the various elements constituting this universal system. A mechanism of world inter-communication will be devised.., freed from national hindrances and restrictions…
    [Baha'u'llah(The promised one of all ages), The Proclamation of Baha'u'llah, p. x]

  4. Sounds as though the formerly august WSJ is okay with terrorism, which is the only tool left in Ukraine's tool box. They lost the real war last summer, with the failure of the counteroffensive.

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