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Rapid Fire Review for Murder Drones Episode 8

Subtitles are done! Today I’m doing a rapid fire review of Murder Drones episode 8, starting with what I disliked and then what I …


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  1. I feel like N deserved a moment to get just slightly angry at Uzi there, let's be real. He kinda did a lot for her in episode 7 and she simply goes "thanks, now die mad", sure it's kinda exaggerated for him to be really pissed at this, but I see as it being more playful rather than actual anger (they are also playful when Uzi goes "Ew, get away!" because they're both smiling).
    And also they do get their little moment of "I'm glad you're ok" or something.

  2. One thing is that it feels like we missed scenes. Like for instance, how did V survive? What happened between N arriving in the spaceship and immediately after Uzi's sacrifice? What about what happened when the Solver was defeated? I also feel like N should have been more initially emotional, and it should have been explained how he knew she was in space.

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