Drone reset

PLAN Your Drone Shoot: Tips and Tricks

So with the DJI Air 3 and Mini 4 Pro in the bag (Sorry Mini 4 Pro, today was not your day!) we head out to Silbury Hill in Wiltshire and along the way I run through what I do when planning a drone shoot.

Not a natural ‘prepper’? Neither am I, but these tips have really helped with my drone flights, and I’m happy to share them with you…

It’s easy to just go out and fly your drone, but if you want to get a specific set of shots and time is a factor then it’s worth following the 7Ps principle : Prior Preparation and Planning Prevents P*ss Poor Performance.

The results are at the end, so make sure you watch the entire video to see the fun micro-documentary that gets produced from all the planning (facts in the documentary are for comic effect – please don’t quote them in your History exam 🤣).

Links for the various Apps can be found on the Google Play or Apple App Stores.
Just search up : ‘UAV Forecast’ and ‘Drone Assist’ By Altitude Angel.
Also on the web :
Other useful apps are (currently UK only) and Wordle….
Yes I know Wordle isn’t anything to do with this video, but I like it.

Does anyone actually read this stuff by the way or am I p*ssing in the wind here? 🤣 If you do, please leave a comment and let me know! 😉

00:00 I’m Not A Natural Prepper
00:23 UAV Forecast
00:39 Drone Assist
01:56 Plan Your Parking
02:30 Cross Check With Other Apps
03:01 A.R.O.M.
03:14 You Know You’re Awesome, Yeh?
03:27 Establishing Shots
03:51 Settings For Your Drone
04:58 Let’s Make This Awkward!
06:12 Getting Closer
06:48 Mastershots Is Your Friend
08:15 A Documentary Masterpiece!
09:10 Please Don’t Click Off Yet!

Credits :
Music :
Sprite Star – Saidbysed

Rhodesia by Twin Musicom is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.

Talky Beat by Twin Musicom is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.

Dangerous by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.

Various Graphics by Vecteezy.com


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  1. This video had me smiling along for the ride, great advice and great humor!
    What I appreciate most about this – is that you go into the little details most times we forget to take into consideration.
    Keep on rocking!! 🖖

  2. That's a great video and the voice over was fab.
    Well I managed to get my drone in the outside air this week but it was only for a few mins, n nothing special as I was on a caravan park and it being a club site they do not allow drones to be flown from the site.
    I basically went up to 30 meters and about 50 meters away just across some farm fields, I have to say that it's surprising what you can see by going up only a small hight.
    also very surprised that you don't have to go very high before you can no longer hear then drone in the air
    anyhow hope to get some proper footage very soon and upload it for the world to see my master piece …HAHAHA

    Been getting lots of ideas from your vids as wel

    Take care and all the best to you

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