drones software

Once Human – Major Deviation CHANGES | NEW Season INFO | PHASE 6 Preview & MORE

#oncehuman #oncehumangame #oncehumangameplay

Shelf Building TIP –

Delayed Patch Thread –

Dev Chat –

My (EUTOPIA’s) Discord:

New Temp Outro –
Song: Eclipse
Produced by: All TELL YOUR STORY music by ikson™

Track: Infraction- Utopia
Music provided by Infraction No Copyright Music


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  1. Why are the servers full but so empty? They going to fix that or just let their game die a slow death. I have 3 friends I convinced to play but we can't play together because the servers are full but low population…. better be fixed soon

  2. I hope they address the ridiculous respawn times of enemies. I'm tired of going into a building, clearing and by the time I exit all enemies have respawned. Not to mention after a boss and you're respawned right into the middle of every respawned enemy.

  3. A lot of us don't make alts to declare stupid whatever in a warband. The rng behind the specializations is the worst in any game I've played before. Even worse than Warframe imo. Sulfur Chemist is an absolute priority and trying to get it took 8 players in one hive. This should be a qol specialization in the skill tree. Metal shelves should also be part of our skill tree. In 5 weeks 8 players have yet to find the formula. The devs act like this formula for shelves is an unfair advantage, as they love using that excuse all the time. Crude to mixed should not take so damn long. Everything in the game requires acid. Energy links are capped at the vendors. This should be increased so we can pay players who have sulfur chemist to rotate more than twice a week. 6 machines at full capacity costs 148,500 links. This forced time gated stuff is annoying.

  4. "this wasnt going to be the case" in reference to deviations being moved cross season is an out right lie and not reading whats on screen. they just clarified that it was ALREADY the case that your deviations could be moved cross season, idk why anyone would assume you couldn't thats mental

  5. Remove controllers – spending the first three weeks not doing content while waiting for the max reward in pro mode unlocking is counterintuitive. I want to play the game, but controllers make doing so feel unoptimal and could hurt my build in the long run. A lot of other players in World Chat are waiting as well. Just let us play the game, prime wars needing controllers is also bad considering the work you put in.

  6. the chefasaurus pushes you up the stairs to push you off, you go to the toilet or go make a drink, and all you hear is the noise it makes and then the cracking of kneecaps

  7. I just want them to up the amount of decorations from 250 to like 700. There is so much in the game to put in your house and I've already hit the 250 cap. Needless to mention they keep adding more to the shop so 250 just isn't enough.

  8. the pve world events are complete garbage and need to be reworked, they are so laggy you cant do a single thing and they are completely covered in build garbage and look horrid, I only completed one in their whole phase because they end before you get there and even if you get there , you cant interact or shoot or do anything because of the lag

  9. most people have stopped playing at this point so if there is some player requirement to get things transfered to eternialand that will mena we miss the items carring over if we dont do it then I will simply never play the game again, I mean I probably wont already because of the garbage gacha system and the time gated everything with I doubt they will change

  10. My only complaint would be having to google if I'm missing on a sidequest or some Deviation's existence.

    I think some kind of journal of "Deviant sight-seeing" would be cool, lore and mechanic-wise.
    Bonus points if it has spoiler-free hints of acquisition.

    Some of my most enjoyable moments include finding a new Deviation through blind gameplay.

    That being said, I do have a pretty relaxed, slow-pased PvE-oriented interest in the game, which might be unpopular.

    Some people's complaints in here seem to imply that they treat this game as an oldschool MMO, rushing content and grinding non-stop and then suffering a lack of content to do.

    I still have 170 controllers and haven't done much Purification yet. I play pretty much on a daily basis for about 4-6 hours each since week 1.

    I don't know what kind of gameplay experience do they have, but it seems quite insane to me.
    Are they skipping ALL story? Are they burning through all their resources every single day? Do they even farm, fish, or attempt to improve their base blueprints? Did they fully explore settlements on their own or just read guides to get their desired blueprints ASAP?

    I'm honestly interested in how they go through the game to complain about limited content or a lack of it. Sometimes I dedicate more than one day in finding the resources I need for a special dish or upgrade, it seems like the natural gameplay experience for the a first season.

  11. I would love to see an option for target dummy to be able to count as different type of enemy, as in, normal one, elite and boss. This would allow more accurate performance estimation against different types of enemies

  12. how tho? THE SERVERS ARE ALL LOW POP!!! Im lucky to see maybe 20 ppl show up to a war….and i play on 5 servers!!! Server merges need to happen population for this game is too small

  13. would want to have option for us to have certain base deviations to only show when necessary or at least drain while theyre only doing their job…my frog and chef always shows up and sometimes are not ready whenever I cook or use furnace..their energy are most of the time used up idling rather for their job

  14. they should focus on server stability before anything else. our server couldn't even properly do the nightmare prime wars due to horrible lag and bugged out bosses

  15. I’m in a guild with about 50 players… I’ve not once heard anyone mention wanting any of these deviation changes or updates… or the social mechanics… either the devs aren’t really listening to surveys or their personal children made the request. Almost 1 for 1 in my guild what is wanted is un time gated content (I.e. needing controllers to farm mods) and more pvp content that can be participated in daily…

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