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Livestream first look at the NEW Captain Sim Lockheed C-130E Hercules in Microsoft Flight Simulator

Today we’re taking a first-look at the new Captain Sim Lockheed C-130E Hercules in Microsoft Flight Simulator. We’ll take off from China Lake, then take it around the Sidewinder low-level route north of Edwards AFB before landing at Edwards. Should be fun!

If you would like a copy of the procedure I followed to start the aircraft, click the following link:

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All of the functional procedures I have written up to get aircraft up and running in simulators:

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Resources I use to create content:

Microsoft Flight Simulator

Navigraph (charts, flight planning, and tracking)

Copyright © 2023 Jeppesen. All rights reserved. The charts are available to the flight simulation community via Navigraph.

LittleNavMap (mapping software)

OBS (Screen and audio capture)

Tobii Eye Tracker 5 (head and eye tracking)

Volanta (flight tracking)

Simbrief (flight planning)

Computer Specification:

– CPU : Intel Core i7 @ 3.60 Ghz (Skylake)
– GPU : NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080
– RAM : 16Gb
– HDD : 1863 Gb NVME
– NET : 500 megabit fibre


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  1. C-130 MODELS:
    Here is a listing of the C-130 models (military ones) in order of production and how to identify them.
    1. C-130 A Model: 3 bladed props & 2 small wing fuel tanks outboard of # 1 and 4 engines.
    2. C-130 B Model: 4 bladed props & no wing tanks.
    3. C-130 E Model: 4 bladed props & 2 large wing fuel tanks,between #1&2 & # 3&4 engines
    4. C-130 H Model: 4 bladed props & 2 large wing fuel tanks, between #1&2 & # 3&4 engines
    5. C-130 J Model: 6 bladed props & no wing tanks.
    Notes: the A's B's and E's are out of service….for the most part. Some H & J models are configured for special ops, tactical ops and refueling service as such and will have a variety of wing tanks.

    Some Foreign Air Forces still fly some B and E models.

    Proper engine start sequence for U.S. Military C-130 aircraft is always 3421

  2. this Version 3 I cant see it being to much different from the CS C-130 version 2, to this version 3 that ejects flares, whoop de doo. If it had paratrooper animations and cargo in the back etc like the C-160 then…it would be worth considering, but it doesnt. Its basically a patched version that should have been offered to members who purchased V2. for free. CS greed shows like a beacon here. I will be waiting for the Blackbird simulations C-130, it looks awesome. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5_YYSwXn3fQ

  3. I was hoping for a C130, which has been through at least the glass cockpit upgrades from about 15 years ago with the FMC. The latest upgrades have really cleaned up the cockpit, so it doesn't look as busy. Returning to the 80s/90s version is not horrible, but I think sales would be better with an FMC.

  4. Autopilot NAV-mode. = Above the selector for radio nav 1 and 2 you have a switch. If you switch that to “Norm” then you have NAV-mode engaged an can use the heading bug as per usual. Note! Radio nav and gyro mode will be turned off in this mode. Altitude hold and alt climb/dec will work as normal.

  5. Ex RAF here from the 80s and I travelled frequently on Hercs from RAF Lyneham. I don't fully remember the layout internally but you could get into the cockpit from the rear via some steps and a door. I do remember the toilet and shower curtain for privacy was very near the rear ramp !! This looks pretty good though and defo a step up for a Captain Sim product.

  6. It is not just the money, but you invest a lot of time learning the systems only to find it does not work. I hate planes that have various systems that don’t work. I know you can only cover so much in your review…but i am not interested in investing more time in planes that don’t really work.

  7. Anything change from the first release? I had to force a refund on the last one after CS scammy/scummy liveries stuff. Is this the exact same plane with a different external model? Can't believe anyone purchased a second version of this with the lack of updates and fulfilled promises on the H……

  8. Oh wow! Captain Sim has an interior view? That’s unusual.
    Aren’t they Flight Sim 360, or something like that now? I don’t think they call themselves Captain Sim anymore.

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