
Horrifying Moments! How Ukrainian FPV Drones Secretly Blow Up Russian Forces and Tanks

Thanks to the rapid development of FPV drones, a new success has been achieved on the battlefield in Ukraine. In particular, the …


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  1. موسكو حققت النصر على اوكرانيا حليفة الناتو – كل من كان يعتقد بهزيمة روسيا هوا شخص ساذج للغاية بل إنة مجرد كتلة من الغباء مثل هذة القناة 👆⤴

  2. Ukraine produces upto 60 plus different types of drones from one way drones to long range to boat drones to drones with a gun and treads . They have come a long way .

  3. Ukraine could win this war if trump and the self interested republicans agreed to release the politically halted funding. If Ukraine loses America will find itself facing up to the combined military might of russia and china . China will see how America deserted Ukraine and will walk straight into Taiwan, then take control of the Philippine Sea.

  4. Благослови господи святую память предков твоих воимя всех святых сынов и отцов наших праведных аминь 🙏
    Владимир – наш свет путеводный.
    Надежды человеческой луч средь Галактики тьмы.
    Хоть служим Ему,
    Он наш величайший слуга.
    И склоняясь пред ним,
    Знаем – он думает только о нас.
    Когда во мраке мы заставляем содрогнуться тени,
    Император с нами.
    И в духе, и деле.

  5. Looks like terrorism to me… But i have notta to do with any of it : id be actually spending our money resources on cranes & public bandsaws for citizens to build with instead of tanks for crackhead zelensky to destroy its just stupid to give our fkn money/resources away with 430000+ homeless 67million + in poverty but will it ever change? Fck no DC is full of false promises and unethical moves ..Satan got them hooked on the stockmarket thats all it took to cripple world trade

  6. Literally every battle and counter offensive gains Ukraine has either lost and lost badly or in the process of doing so as we speak. The idiotic attempts at propaganda are so poor in quality its hard to fathom the depths of stupidity west has succumbed to.

    Lets look at cold hard facts… Russia only needed one mobilization and only went in to Ukraine with barely 280,000 – most of which are active and doing multiple rotations. An additional 300,000 was requested by MOD to fill in gaps where Ukraine was outnumbering Russian forces three to one. In retrospect Ukraine had half a million conscripts and volunteers from the get go, has gone through ten mobilizations and asking for an additional half a million more. Take a gander try to use the thinking part of your head…what sort of losses do you think Ukraine is keeping closed mouth about? I expect some smart ass to give a reply only Biden would understand

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