
Drone News: Drone Ban, Green Day Concert, FLIR & AirData, 3 Suspects Caught by a Drone, & SkyeBrowse

Welcome to your weekly UAS news update we have 5 stories for you: Drone ban updates, Green Day concert paused for drone flight, FLIR and AirData partner, 3 men in a stolen vehicle were found using a drone, and SkyeBrowse updates everyone to Lite Processing!

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00:00 Introduction
00:22 Drone Ban Updates
01:16 Green Day Concert
01:56 FLIR and AirData
02:34 Suspects Caught by a Drone
03:13 SkyeBrowse Upgrade

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First up, The house has voted to pass the Countering CCP Drones Act.
This is a setback that was expected but it changes little.
Representative Stefanik stated during her speech “Over the last seven years, the US government has publicly confirmed time and time again that DJI drones are being used to collect information on US critical infrastructure and pose significant risks to US national security,”
Not sure where the evidence is, but we’d love to see it.
The Countering CCP drones act was also passed with the House NDAA, so the bill has already passed before.
Both bills still must still go through the Senate prior to landing on the President’s desk.
It doesn’t matter what vertical you’re in, now is a great time to weigh in on this issue, and educate your senators and representatives.
If you’re having trouble with where to start, head over to the DAA website, which is linked below.

Next up, Green Day rushed off stage this week after security spotted a drone in the stadium.
Detroit Police confirmed the interruption to the show was due to a drone and that the operator was located and detained.
Currently, it’s unclear what drone was flying or how close it was to the band.
An important note was that this did not qualify for a stadium TFR, and no TFR was in place.
This brings up an interesting situation where a Part 107 pilot could legally operate over the stadium with a category 1 or 2 drone.
We’ll keep you updated when we see more.

Third, FLIR and AirData UAV have partnered to provide SIRAS flight tracking.
If you’re unfamiliar with the FLIR SIRAS, it’s a quadcopter with a 640×512 FLIR Hadron series sensor designed for industry and public safety.
The integration with AirData uses SIRAS’s offline log-export and isn’t connected to the internet.
For users of the SIRAS, AirData is a great tool and one that we use for tracking our aircraft’s flights, battery cycles, and determining what when wrong if things do.

Fourth, a shout out to some students from Gaston County Police.
Gaston County police used a drone this week to assist in recovering a stolen vehicle and arresting 3 men who fled the stolen vehicle after a car chase.
The drone was utilized after officers lost sight of the vehicle when it drove into a soybean field.
A Gaston County Police Officer was part of the drone unit, and launched to determine where the vehicle went.
Once the police officer found the vehicle, they began to track the suspects, locating them in the field attempting to evade police.
All 3 suspects were taken into custody without incident.
Great use of the drone!

Next, SkyeBrowse has updated everyone on the Freemium plan to Lite processing!
This will increase the quality of all models from folks with free accounts.
If you’re unfamiliar with SkyeBrowse, the program uses video from nearly anything to make 3D models.
You can sign up for free and start making models immediately.
Models can be accessed on any device and can be easily marked up for measurement and shared as needed.

And to wrap up, check out this clip for something coming next week…


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  1. Google maps doesn't show power plants , military, airports and other potential targets? Why do they think anyone would dare flying over sensitive restricted areas which are fenced anyways , unless they're Chinese spies

  2. I regularly film sanctioned drone shows around stadiums (with my own drone) with waivers/approvals and you have really specific guidelines, the exact hour and location/zone we fly in is carefully planned out. At no point during any of the shows are you ever allowed to actually go into or over the stadium either, it all must be done from the perimeters. The FAA may let some things slide but when it comes to stadiums they're strict about it.

  3. I can see how someone would think flying a drone over a concert would be a great way to get some amazing footage for maybe a video later on, but why would you fly it over the crowd? Stay further back away from anybody and use a good zoom. It just doesn't seem like the brightest move. I'm sure the person is regretting it about now.

  4. Let me be honest with everyone. This is so bothering me, this ban act not only is crazy but also unfair and political bias act. 1: It took seven years for them to do the research? 2: If DJI Drone is dangerous for national security to transfer the data to CCP!! why they did not stop it? Why FBI, NSA, CIA, DHS did not claim or stop it yet? 3: Any drone can transfer the information (if that's the useless corrupted politicians claim) to foreign country. !! 4: Anyone fly the drone knows this is BullSHEIT! since the American companies couldn't compete as price and Quality. 5: When they claim about the DJI!! (let's say they are right)!! why they have to wait until senate and President accept it. YOU CAN NOT FLY ANY DRONE OVER 250G without THE LICENSE and they can track you down, they can track you when you are in the prohibit area… STOP THIS BULLSHIET!! because the money does not go to your pocket anymore.

  5. I just saw Greenday perform. They are a shadow of their former selfves- very low energy. Very anti-trump and pro-establishment. Which if you hate Trump fine, but you can't be an anti-establishment 90s band and then proudly support the government/liberals and our political overlords- who are actively taking away our rights to things like fly chinese drones and watch tiktok.

  6. By the way the Gaston County, NC Drone Police Unit used a DJI drone. I'm sure that, according to Stefanik, the thermal recording of fleeing criminals in a soybean field is highly classified information 🤣🤣🤣

  7. Stefanick is pushing this bill thanks to campaign donations from Skydio & no other reason. I notice she never sites her source claiming actual knowledge & proof of the sensitive data being collected by DJI drones.

  8. Make no mistake, this Congress has NOT passed any significant legislation to improve the lives of the American people, other than partisan shenanigans to one up their opponents and make good soundbites. When will some of us realize that Washington is lobbied heavily by billionaires & corporations intent to enrich their own pockets and in this case, dominate this market. For so long we’ve used Chinese made appliances, cameras, softwares and gadgets, and when you think about it, in our Part 107 training, we have so many restrictions in where to fly our drone! Haven’t these ‘nothing-accomplished’ congress learned that there may be far more sophisticated devices and far more intrusive at that, that the CCP can use other than what we use for hobby on Class G Airspace, farming, and home or tower inspections and the like? These people have no idea what way of life and business they are intent on interfering with, just to get in the pockets of lobbyists.

  9. Thank you for weekly updates and information! Question, is the Countering CCP Act that just passed the House different than the Drones for First Responders Act or is it an amendment? Does that Countering CCP Act not include the 2030 grandfather period for first responders to replace their Chinese drones?

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