drones software

DJI NEO // UNLOCK PRO LEVEL WITH THESE 13 EPIC SHOTS (no controller required!)

DJI Neo: OUR FREE RESOURCES ************************* FREE eBook: From Drone Zero To Drone Hero: …


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  1. As always very fair and illustrating what is possible with a budget drone. Much more advanced than when I started and with one of the many location in Scotland what could be better showcase. Keep up the great work

  2. The normal colour profile has too much contrast which was putting me off. But your grading made it look not too bad. I'm definitely considering this as a leave in my bag all the time drone and using the phone app to control it to get a few establishers while I'm traveling light on certain projects

  3. One of the things I really love about your channel and your work, is that the focus on:
    Know your Gear,
    Know your craft (video craft – no pun intended),
    and how get the best out of what you have.

    That golden hour light 0:52 🧡

  4. Hi there, great tio have you back. The DJI Neo footage looks really great, so much better than the oversharpened (maybe default-) imgaes of some other videos. What exactly is your workflow to achieve these pictures?

  5. Welcome back! Great location shots! I’m positive I visited that “house” some years ago but can’t remember what it is called. When I was there they had a falconry demonstration which was amazing. Please put me out of my misery.

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