drones software

Did we get the Bad Ending?

Subtitles are done

Today I’m discussing 2 theories and some misc evidence that implies that we got the Bad Ending for Murder Drones.

I know CU has done a video on this, but I’m pretty sure I started production before I knew he had, and I finished it becuase sunk cost fallacy and all that. I want to kill this theory off before I hear it a bunch, the title and thumbnail should probably be saying that she is not a hologram, but eh, I want to go back to studying German and more people will view it this way, which is the point of making videos obviously, plus you can get my answer in like 2ish minutes if you read the timestamps, whereas he probably takes the full 11 minutes, I haven’t watched his video so I wouldn’t know. Judging by the comments he either doesn’t answer the question or says she is a hologram, probably the former.

This video is not just about if Uzi is a hologram or not, but I couldn’t put all of the video’s topics into the thumbnail and this one has the most weight to it. The voice-over is wack because I’d just woken up, and I didn’t want to re-do the video a 3rd time.

Heavy inspiration (or plagiarism depending on how you look it at) from a version of this thumbnail re-designed by Sleepy Star.

0:00 Introduction
0:15 Uzi is a hologram?
1:48 Is Uzi in some kind of Purgatory?
2:01 Discussing other evidence that Cyn won
5:16 Conclusion (skip to here if you only want to know if she’s a hologram or not)

Murder Drones – @GLITCH and @LiamVickersAnimation
Footage taken from Murder Drones Episode 8 –
Thumbnail heavily inspired by Sleepy Star –

Software Used:

Software Used:
OBS – Recording
Davinci Resolve – Editing
Thumbnail – Photopea (Browser Extension)



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  1. I love the fnaf game "Murder Drones" lmao
    Good theory tho.
    But I think the reason Cyn treats Uzi like that is because she though she was in a video game all along and then she died and went into spectator mode lol

  2. Something important to note, in the post credit scene just ast "tail cyn" passes kn front of uzi's face her eyes turn full purple, so i would asume the both just share control of the body even if in defirrent proportions, and the eye color changes just indicates whenever cyn is looking things true her eyes, or if she retracts to an specific body oart like the tail leaving uzi alone at the "pilot seat", so probably while her eyes are both colors uzi has to deal with the constant bickering of cyn on her head and that's why she looks so tired even if she is in full control

  3. i don’t think she’s a hologram. we simply see each of them in the mirror. Cyn wanted to add a bit of her own style with the bow. the mirror is the visual representation of what’s in her mind and what COULD escape if Cyn isn’t satisfied. Uzi says it herself” and maybe i don’t actually hate it here” Cyn got to be with N and get to keep being around him as long as she stuck in Uzis head

  4. Arguing for the other side here but Cyn could've won and we don't know it because when she does mimic other characters she can copy their actions and voices so well so she might've done that just to make N happy. Another possibility is that since she won she is just passing time by by making all these other paths with the holograms of what it could've been like. Another reason you can say Cyn won is that in the ending of either episode 2 or 3 it showed three more ships flying toward Copper 9 and we only see what's in one if them which is Cyn and J but we also see in the credits another centipede robot in the cryosleep area which could have been from one if the ships and if Cyn did win it would explain why it never attacked or never had any screen time. Also the reason Cyn could've talked to her self in the credits if she did win was because she saw something out of the ordinary, like that weird tentacle drone that appeared in the flickering light in the credits ,she just thought she missed a drone and pretend to be the mix of Uzi and herself. Finally a reason to suggest Cyn won is that if she knew she was never going to be in control she would've taken the fight seriously but instead she was playing around with them almost the entire time. She could've been shocked in the two moments where her solver was rejected from the callback ping and when Uzi ate the core but she could've been shocked at Uzi eating the core just because she wanted her to think she won or because it was just unexpected. Again don't get mad at me I'm just trying to argue for the side of which people thought Cyn won.

  5. Will now that cyn is gone and uzi is the only one that has the absolute solver that makes her the most powerful character in the show and she could literally just kill lizzy or anyone who annoys her
    But just imagine Rebecca’s reaction to finding out uzi and n are dating like Rebecca:👁💧👄💧👁

  6. I’d say Uzi is still in control based on cyn herself, her acting abilities are shown to be competent if she knows the person well.

    However she doesn’t really have that for Uzi and even with access to the os it wouldn’t give her a 100% clear picture of the way she acts.

  7. I feel like there was supposed to be another scene between Uzi eating Cyn’s core and her waking up (Like a continuation of the fight or something) that just got cut

  8. I think Uzi being dead/controlled is not really true.
    Her voice changed, her tail, her eyes, but it looks like spending time with N retracts her eyes to purple again (credits)
    Everyone thinks its the solver, but if it's not, there is no reason Cyn would try and steal Uzi's life, since I think she wants to be closer to N
    If it is the solver, lol that means nothing solver just in Uzi's body ok thank

  9. I still think it was accidental on cyn end merging with Uzi, but I do think Uzi is a hologram with her in control mentally. I think this because cyn likes to pretend to be people that N loves (Tessa for an example) and now that cyn and Uzi are technically the same person, she can finally spend time with N or something much deeper than that.

  10. My theory is that Uzi has become like Ermac in Mortal Kombat. Her body contains multiple hosts and only one is able to fully control as long as they can bring high influence among other hosts.

  11. My head cannon is Uzi is using holograms /sober powers to look normal as eating cyn/slover messed her body to look weird.

    And also i believe uzis fatal error after the final battle was real but she just came back as dying by eating a slover would probably happen to MOST drones/humans

  12. Aren’t cyn and the silver separate entities? At the beginning of episode 5 we see cyn talking to the solver where they make some sort of deal, I think that after the gala massacre the solver took full control of cyns body, basically blocking her out

  13. If you notice, Uzi's eyes only go slightly yellow at the top when her eyes go high enough on her visor, so in the end credits scene it's possible that her eyes were just low enough so they were completely purple

  14. I think that it’s something similar to the Thing, where even after someone gets killed and replaced by the monster…they still think there themselves. They don’t know there dead. And I think this is what happened to Uzi.

  15. Being a giant solver worm is a thing you can be and not be at the same time. Cyn became one during the gala massacre and then fit inside of tessa. So the worm is a 4th dimensional projection that the drone can rotate along the 4th axis to bring into 3d space. Like look at how 4d miner works.

  16. I think the reason that N and V aren't there immediately when Uzi wakes up is simple: they were fighting on a floating piece of land, and it came crashing down when Cyn lost control. N and V most likely used their wings to not take any fall damage, and lost sight of Uzi as a result.

  17. Honesty the 2 things that make me dislike the theorys that Cyn won or that Uzi is in a purgatory or something is:

    1. Completely closes any chance that this show has left for a season 2 or a continuation of some sort.

    2. What do we even win by believing this theory to be canon? Like whats the message? That all the events, actions, arcs and even sacrifices that or characters made in the end where all just worthless?

    Defenetly glad this good ending is the cannon one

  18. Cyn has always gone back and forth between her Drone and centipede form, and both seem like they are real and can physically interact with the world around her. When compared to other solver users, she also seems far less limited to her physical form, appearing as just a shadow, creating the large tentacles from seemingly nowhere, and (as mentioned earlier) she seems to be able to swap her large centipede form quickly at will. And I would like to highlight that she seems to almost swap places with, rather than turn into. Comparing this to Uzi, Doll, Nori, and Yeva, they use the absolute solver more as a form of magic than a way of being. They also can do some crazy reality bending stuff, but overall they seem limited to their physical forms. Cyn, presumably being the primary host almost seems to be using the absolute solver to exist on a higher plane than the other users if that makes sense. Whenever you see her in her small drone form, she’s still followed by a ghost of sorts of her larger form. My guess is that after eating Cyn’s core, Uzi became the primary host of the absolute solver. This likely triggered some sort of auto run program that led to her being relocated the middle of the summoning circle lookin thing. During this time she was likely controlled by neither Cyn or herself, but some basic form of the absolute solver that was turning her into the primary host.

    When she sees the projectors in the mirror I don’t think it means she’s a projection and I don’t think it’s a hallucination. I think that, in replacing Cyn as the primary host, she has assented to the same level as Cyn, with the same access to the “ghost centipede form”.

  19. and anyway, why would cyn make a hologram of uzi with yellow and purple eyes, it makes no sense, if she wanted to pass herself off as uzi, she'd make her eyes completely purple so as not to attract suspicion.

  20. My idea of why uzi is a "hologram" in the post credits scene is becuase she simply so very much hated school and dident wanna be there she straight up sent a hologram there afterall she got cyns powers now why not use them for her own benefit?

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