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Can Zerg stop Serral from winning the $1,000,000 EWC?

Serral is the man to beat at the $1,000,000 Esports World Cup for StarCraft 2! Let’s explore whether he can be defeated by Dark or Solar, one of the few players people think can potentially beat him.

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  1. This whole scene is pathetic. First everyone hopes that shitgate is any good (it isn't). Then you all collectively ignore that 90 percent of your esports prize money comes from Saudi blood money.

    Pig, get a real fucking job like an adult. In a few years you would be homeless once the saudis realize that spending 1 million on a scene with viewership that is 16 times fewer than SC remastered is a bad investment.

  2. bro just the fact that we are watching a cast between two top 10-20 players in the world and the most spoken word is the name of another player in regards to how much of a problem he is, that is fucking nuts to me ahaha

  3. I don't know if he's actually as cocky as I forget which caster claims either jokingly or truthfully, think it's winter, about dark being the best according to dark but it's always made me root against him. He is MGK to serrals eminem.

  4. I think you need to prevent Serral from scouting if you want to have a chance. He needs to misread the build completely. If he knows what you are up to, he will come up with the best counter measure and max out his army in no time fully equipped to deal with it.

  5. its kinda weird, Serral since he is in the military ofc cant train as much, but he has looked unstoppable when he is in the team L matches. One thing that could show that Serral isent gonna win is probly that and the fact that everyone that will be in the top 8 , 100% has only focused on prepping agienst Serral. bcs u cant win if u cant beat him.

  6. wow, i was watching game 2, and if you watch the banner stats at bottom, the first ~2mins+- is literally EXACTLY the same, and then watch when they start gas, its the same second its kinda crazy

  7. Pour moi aucun des deux n'est prêt pour Serral et même moi qui suis français et supporte Clem et aussi mon côté protoss qui ressort max Pax ne seront jamais prêt ! Car Serral voudra montrer que même sans un entraînement intensif ! Il reste le dieu de StarCraft ❤

  8. Dark also hadn't stacked drones on the gold patches on the inbase expansion. I bet that's a detail Serral would've paid attention to. It's probably not a huge thing but it's one of those dotting your i's and crossing your t's stuff I think that cumulate and allow Serral to get his skin of your teeth holds.

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