
🇺🇦drone operator spotted a wounded Russian occupier, dropped water & instructions how to surrender

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  1. Ukraine also does not physically interrogate Russians, this was reported by independent news agencies unlike the Russians as the Russians even higher command are willing to give up locations and strategies as many do not want to be there. Some Russians that are released are reported to be killed due to releasing information or just being captured others are sent back to the meat grinder.

  2. Ukrainians are a compassionate people and are very family oriented. I pray for my wife's family everyday. US Veteran supports Ukraine 🇺🇦🇺🇸🙏❤️😎

  3. How do they decide who gets water and who gets bc I’ve seen many a time when they drop 3 more grenades on a dude who’s wounded begging for his life as well. Obviously Russians are even worse

  4. Ancora non ho capito perché non si rivoltano contro quei macellai dei generali russi che li mandano a morire e tornano a casa, perché obbedire a ordini cosi insensati. Gloria all' Ucraina 🇺🇦 dall' Italia 🇮🇪.

  5. Russia is a truly greedy, during world war 2 they both share the land of Poland with Germany,Stalin Ang Hitler are friends.but Hitler invaded Russia together with Japan.after the war they hate USA,why? Envy is the reason.the japanese surrender to the American not to the Russian.

  6. В россии как пленный, выглядят и простые граждане россии. Просто страной правят террористы

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